BALTIC WINDUSTRY 2023 conference
The Baltic Windustry Conference will be held on 12 September at Gdansk University of Technology and is organized together with Polish Wind Energy Association.
The following agenda contains three sessions:
Policy & Financing includes updates and new financing opportunities from European Commision and Polish Government
Industry & Education- new competence - digital skills in wind energy
Reaserch and Digitalization – discuss at the value for applaying advanced ICT technologies for wind farm operation
Main focus of the conference is on closing the skill gap and digitalization in wind energy and education. Conference speakers represent private and public sector small and large organization and government administration.
The conference was held under the honorary patronage of Rector Gdansk University of Technology Professor Krzysztof Wilde Msc,PhD,DSc Corresponding member of the PAS
Join us it’s a great ocasion to catch up on the innovations, new technologies from across the offshore wind sector and to meet other like-minded.
More information and registration :
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