Research infrastructure:

Laboratory of Structural Mechanics

The large force field with ZD 400 PU strength machine and Instron 8503 series dynamic strength machine is a unique testing infrastructure in Poland, allowing for testing of large-size objects or entire structural nodes on a real scale. The test stand consists of four servohydraulic actuators controlled by an Instron Structural Testing Labtronic 8800 series controller, and allows static and dynamic testing with actuators load capcity of ±100 kN, ±250 kN, ±400 kN and ±1000 kN. In the high force area there are two stands for fracture mechanics tests (KI, CTOD, J-integral) on three-point bended specimens. They allow testing of steel plates up to 100 mm thick. The laboratory is accredited by PCA (according to ISO 17025 standard). The ZD 400 PU testing machine allows for tensile testing up to 2000 kN and compression testing up to 4000 kN, as well as bending of elements with the span length not exceeding 2.5 meters. The Instron 8503 strength machine has capacity to perform fatigue tests in the force range from -500 to +500 kN.

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Towing tank

Towing tank with dimensions: length 40 m, width 4 m, water depth up to 3 m equipped with towing and measuring device - towing platform with maximum speed 2.5 m/s, suitable for standardized tests of models such as: resistance, static in still water, static on the wave, dynamic in the still water, dynamic on the wave, propellers - measuring torque and stress.\nA system based on high-speed cameras to determine the location of the tested of the 6D object f-my QUALISYS -real-time analysis of parameters surge/sway/heave/roll/pitch/yaw.\nThe size of the towing tank indirectly enforces the size of the tested models, the length of which should not exceed 3.0 m and the weight of 200 kg.

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